Meal Prep

I like to make lunches for the week in advance; it is not the most exciting 30 to 60 minutes I spend on a Sunday, but having something ready to go for the week is way worth it for me.  Sometimes when I skip it, A ends up eating a gross lunch that I slap together and I end up eating PB and J while standing up.  By planning ahead, I don’t have to race around during lunch time and instead can take my time to make healthy meals for us.

For A I basically make sure to include a fruit, a veggie, and a main dish with a side of either milk or water.  I love to use this tupperware because it is divided into 3 sections.  I don’t have enough of them so A gets the cute ones and I’m stuck with plastic bags for my lunches (which usually consist of protein and veggies, with apples and Larabar as a snack).

You can check out my Toddler Meal Ideas on Etsy!


Easy Tips for Decorating the Nursery


I love to decorate but am no home decor expert by any means, so here is my simple guide for how to decorate the nursery:

  1. Pick a color scheme – wall color and 1 to 3 accent colors.  I like to browse Pinterest for ideas, and I also like to make an inspiration board so that I can visualize how everything will look together.
  2. Decide on the furniture you want – in both my kids’ rooms there is a crib, a changing table/dresser, a nightstand, and a glider/ottoman.  I like to keep all the furniture the same color, even if they don’t come from the same set.
  3. Accessorize – you can play around with your accent colors for the crib sheet, the color of the glider, changing pad cover, and art for the walls.
  4. Add decorations – this is my favorite part!  I like to put a banner across the top of the windows, framed art on a wall that is NOT above the crib or changing table (I don’t want anything to accidentally fall on baby) and then vinyl decorations on the crib wall so that it doesn’t look bare while remaining safe.  Here are some of my favorite Etsy shops that have all of these goodies:

Wallums Wall Decor

Vintage Green Limited

Lucy Darling Prints

Wall Dressed Up

Lovely Face Designs