Month 5: Schedule (A)

Time Activity
6:30am – wake up and morning feeding new diaper, outfit, and BOTTLE 6 ounces
7:00am – play time talking, looking in the mirror, watching Brody, stroller walk, tummy time, watch you workout, stories, watch you cook, errands, independent play supervised, etc.
around 8:30/9am – nap 1 (naps could last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours) put sleep sack on, rock and pacifier (no bottle unless FREAKING out), lay in crib with sound machine
10:00am – breakfast


BOTTLE 6 ounces/2 tablespoons rice cereal (not in bottle, separately)
around 12pm – nap 2 put sleep sack on, rock and pacifier (no bottle), lay in crib with sound machine
1:00pm – lunch


BOTTLE 6 ounces
around 3pm – nap 3 put sleep sack on, rock and pacifier (no bottle), lay in crib with sound machine
4:00pm – dinner


BOTTLE 6 ounces/2 tablespoons rice cereal (not in bottle, separately)
6:15pm – bath time and get ready for bed bathe with wash cloth and baby soap, wash hair, play – towel off and put NIGHT TIME diaper on, aquaphor on butt, lotion on body, and pajamas (no sleep sack) – will give evening bottle in nursery with lights dimmed and sound machine on – read story if he wants
6:30pm – evening bottle BOTTLE – 6 ounces, depends on how hungry he is; put in crib drowsy and saying Goodnight I love you Sweet Dreams 🙂


*try not to give bottle before a nap unless he is freaking out – if so give 1-3 ounces.  Generally he wakes up, eats, plays, then naps.

*no water or veggies/fruit yet – waiting until 6 months per doctor’s instructions